Sekretariat of the company
Sylvia Zápařková E-mail: Telefon: 222 710 295
Management of the company
Jiří Roček E-mail: Telefon: 222 712 608; mobil: 602 489 986
Real Estates
Václav Kroczek E-mail: Telefon: 222 717 390; mobil: 723 360 654
Hana Jurášková E-mail: Telefon: 222 712 609
Public Relations
Adéla Dittmannová E-mail: Telefon: 222 720 237; mobil: 737 650 721
Real Estate Management
František Kvis E-mail: Telefon: 222 717 389; mobil: 602 257 937
The owner of E - Centrum a.s.

Michal Voráček, publisher, media consultant, businessman
Michal Voráček graduated from the University of Economics (VŠE) in Prague in 1982, specialising in the economics of international trade. He then worked as a journalist at Hospodářské noviny, for example, and at the University of Economics in Prague. He completed his postgraduate studies at VŠE in 1987 and received the title of CSc (PhD).
With Michael Ringier he founded the first business weekly, Profit, in 1989, which exceeded 100 thousand copies sold within a year and posted profits in the tens of millions of crowns. He then became the founder and partner of the media company, Ringier in the CzechRepublic and Slovakia, holding the post of Chairman of the Board and CEO from 1991. Within three years, Ringier controlled more than one third of the Czech media market. In 1993, he launched the daily, Blesk. He was successively also the Chairman of the Board or on the Supervisory Boards of many Czech and Slovak media companies. He is considered one of the men who most decisively influenced the current media market in the Czech and Slovak Republics.
After selling his share in Ringier CZ, he managed a number of projects in print and electronic media and multimedia, as well as many companies in the field of advertising, audiotex, distribution and printing. He was a member of the statutory bodies of many media companies in the Czech Republic, including TV Nova, TV Prima, PNS (press distribution), Ostravské tiskárny, Czech Mobile (Oskar, Vodafone), Médea, a.s. (media agency), Sparta Praha Fotbal, a.s. etc. He is shareholder of the company Our Media, a.s. (daily Pravda in Slovakia). Through Blueberg Media a.s. he is the hundred percent owner of the news TV TA3.
He has been pursuing his own business activities since the beginning of the 1990s, especially in the areas of new media projects, real estate and consulting. He is also the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Our Media, a.s. In the companies E-Centrum, a.s., Region, a.s., hermes International, a.s. and Ehrenberg Investment a.s. he is the sole member of the supervisory board. Voráček has also worked as a conultang in the fiíelds of media, marketing and public relations for dozens of leading Czech and international companies. In 2020, he received the Gentleman Pro Award for Lifetime Achievement and Career Achievement. He is an honorary citizen of the Prague - Klánovice district.
At the end of the 1990s he founded his own foundation (Nadace pro obnovu a rozvoj) and is engaged in charitable activities.